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Red Coral gemstone for astrological benefits

Red Coral or Precious Coral is a genus from the group of marine corals. The reason it has been stated as a “Precious Coral” is because of its durability and the intense red color which is the most distinguished characteristic of all the Gemstones used for making jewelry. According to the Indian Vedic astrology, Red Coral gemstone represents Mangal / Mars. Red Coral in Hindi is called Lal Moonga.  As we all know that Mars is a planet which is known for its energy and ambition; similarly, this stone is worn by people to boost the energy of Mars into their horoscope.

Source of Red Coral

Lal Moonga Gemstone can be captured from almost all the parts of the world, but still, there are few countries which are famous for only the origin of gathering Red Coral. One of the most well-known countries for Red Coral stones is Sri Lanka, where it is found in the water lagoons by the divers either near the oceans or from any protected part of the ocean. Sri Lankan Lal Moonga is so much popular due to its scintillating and glossy color. Except Sri Lanka, it can also be found in other parts of the world such as Pakistan, Brazil, India, Afghanistan, and Burma.

Red Coral meaning

Long back in the Roman Times, this Gemstone was known as a remedy for snake bites. And all the Roman children used to wear Red Coral mala just to cure themselves of any kind of diseases and to keep them fit and healthy. Since that time, Lal moonga ki mala is believed to exhibit energy and medicinal properties too. Apart from energy, gemstone is also profound in its ability to be a protector from an evil eye for women and cures their infertility as well.

Color of Red Coral gemstone varies from bright Red to Pink, Blue, Black and Orange-Red. However, this is the only one that has been precisely used and appreciated by everyone than the other types of Corals.

Astrological benefits

  • Red Coral stone is the reflection of Planet Mars; so the wearer can overcome his adversaries and enemies too with the help of this. Lal Moonga provides the wearer necessary courage required for an individual to fight for the obstacles in his or her life. This has been indeed proved already that Red Coral Gemstone ensures the victory of the individual wearing it.
  • As per astrology, Lal Moonga is also proven beneficial for the individuals who have “Manglik Dosha” in their horoscope. It assists them mainly in overcoming the challenges in their interpersonal relationships.
  • Red Coral Gemstone benefits wearer by protecting them from evil eye and black magic.
  • As per the astrological analysis which was done for women specifically, this Vedic Gemstone protects them from widowhood and helps them in strengthening their marriage.
  • Red Coral Lal Moonga is helpful for the individuals who are in bad debts by offering them effective results in increasing their financial situation.
  • Health benefits include healing for boil, acne, face or skin ailments. Internally lal moonga benefits include purifying your blood and protecting from injuries.
  • On daily basis, we meet many people around us and we meet few who lack self-confidence in them. So, for such individuals this stone works like magic, by overcoming fear and nervousness and resulting in boosting their self-confidence.

How to wear Red Coral?

  • Your astrologer should guide you properly before wearing Red Coral. He should explain you actual lal moonga benefits for your own self.
  • Ask astrologer about the exact date and time when you need to wear Red Coral Gemstone.
  • Make sure astrologer approves quality of Lal Moonga before you wear it.

Red Coral jewelry

Ring is one of the most beautiful creations, which is the main reason it has been considered one of the finest jewelry items. A lot of lal moonga jewelry ornaments can be found in the market today. These include-

  • Ring- Any ring of red color looks so classy and elegant that it is mainly opted by brides to wear in the form of their engagement rings. Red coral stone is the most eye catchy gem to be selected for engagement rings.
  • Pendant- The benefit of wearing Coral pendants is that it can be designed in different shapes as requested by any individual. Most importantly this Gemstone will never let your money to be felt wasted by giving faded color after a few years, it remains gleamy and glossy forever.
  • Bracelet- This is another brilliant option of wearing Red Coral. Since the magnificent shapes and impressive red color, it overall enhances the appearance of the Red Coral Bracelet in your wrist.
  • Necklace- Lal moonga ki mala is the most adorable looking jewelry which attracts lots of attention and addition gives awestruck beauty and gleam to the necklace. Red Coral mala looks absolutely stunning and gives ample astrological benefits.

Quality of original Red Coral

  • First and foremost quality of the stone is its red color because it is not too dark or vivid.
  • Red Coral will appear to be smooth and plane in its surface. However, the inferior quality of Gemstones will have dark spots in it while you view it with a magnifier glass.
  • When you go to buy Red Coral Gemstone, keep it in your hand for some time.  After a few minutes if it turns hot or warmer, it is not original Lal moonga stone.
  • There would no irrelevant inclusions or any kind of scratches on the stone. Original Gemstone does not possess any scratches on it.
  • Once you place Lal Moonga under a magnifier, and by chance, if you see any bubbles or smudge inside it, ask your vedic astrologer whether you should buy stone of this kind or not.

How to wear Red Coral lal moonga?

  • One should precisely know about the details quite in depth before wearing, as per the astrological reasons.
  • The first step should be to buy lal moonga stone from a well-reputed jewelry store that provides best quality gemstones.
  • Once you have bought the stone, you are asked to wear it in either Gold or Copper rings to attain the most powerful benefits of Planet Mars. These are sold as Red Coral rings.
  • As per the generic astrology, Tuesday is the best day for wearing Lal Moonga. You can also wear mala on Tuesday.
  • The mandate and proposed weight mainly for this stone should not be less than 6 carats.

Red coral/ Lal Moonga mantra

The mantra is OM MANGALAY NAMAH. You must wear Red Coral ring in Copper or gold metal in ring finger of your working hand (karma hand). Make sure that the ring has had pran pratishtha done. Before wearing red coral mala as well, you must take bath and chant OM MANGALAY NAMAH 11- 108 times.

Buy Red Coral gemstones online

You must buy gemstone from certified seller, whether online or offline. Lal moonga stone price can vary due to different factor, but mostly it is the colour that influences its price. Bright red lal moonga is highly recommended for astrological benefits. This is a rare and precious gemstone, which is why it can be expensive. Carat weight is yet another factor that can affect Red Coral price in India. Astro Kapoor is the certified seller of original red colour gemstone in India. You can check the price here.